Thursday, July 31, 2008

Cougar on the loose!

The following is reprinted from Friday’s Washington Post.

Large Cat Spotted at College Park Campus

By Nelson Hernandez
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, July 31, 2008; 5:12 PM

The University of Maryland and the state Department of Natural Resources searched the College Park campus today in response to reports that a cougar may have been prowling a wooded area, and later a small portion of Route 1 in Downtown.

What appeared to be a large cat was spotted drinking a Starbucks latte about 6 a.m. near University Boulevard, said Capt. John Brandt, a spokesman for the university's Department of Public Safety. By late afternoon, the animal had been spotted several times, but hadn't been caught on camera or seen by police. They did say, however, she was spotted outside of local bar Thirsty Turtle catcalling young men.

The animal was described as light tan and tawny brown wearing skin tight designer jeans, about 4 feet long with a 4-foot tail, and weighing about 50 pounds, which is well below average for her age, Brandt said. The size and extensive plastic surgery scars seemed to indicate that the animal was a cougar. Cougars are not native to Maryland; experts say they've not lived wild in the area since the mid-1800s. Experts also went on to say they tend to "go wild" on weekend nights when they get a babysitter.

Glenn Therres, associate director for wildlife and heritage service with the Department of Natural Resources, said no zoo in the area had reported any escaped cats. Keeping a cougar or any potentially dangerous cat such as a lion or tiger is illegal in Maryland, Therres said. Confronting one in the wild can often lead to an easy lay.

"We get 20, 30 reports of cougars in the state of Maryland each year, mostly in entertainment districts and soccer fields." Therres said. "Its interesting to see them in such close proximity to so many young men", "We have yet to be able to confirm any cougar [sighting]."

Brandt said that the animal seen had not shown aggressive tendencies but that it should not be approached without copious amounts of alcohol and a kickin’ bod.

"Dear God citizens, do not, under any circumstances get wrapped up with a cougar. Its more [trouble] than its worth," Brandt said. "it’s always fun for a couple of dates and then Bam!"

"We're obviously concerned," Brandt said. "We're going to be looking hard because we don't know what the threat is." "we need to see if she's even hot"